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The Humble way in detail
Step one:
Start where you are
The best place to start is where your are, so we take some time to get to know you and what you need.
Step two:
Choose what really matters
We clarify your purpose and process (what you want and how you want to get there) with humility, which helps us hold our experience of choice lightly.
Step three:
Do what really helps
We make it easier, effective and enjoyable to change.
Step four:
Good work can be fun and freeing too.
We aim to really show up and be present with you.
It’s simple and profound.
EveryBODY needs to sleep, eat, move and soothe. When done well we thrive, and if neglected we struggle. Despite our best intentions sometimes our habits may not be healthy. By understanding what we do depends on motivation, ability and prompts we can help you harness healthy habits, making it easier to live well, feel alive and do good.
Experiences emerge through our thoughts, feelings, actions, stories and meanings. They influence our mindset (how we see and act in the world). They also go beyond our brain to include the narratives held in our genetics, epigenetics, tissues, microbes, memes, communities, culture, technology, ecology and spirituality. Through compassionate understanding we can work with the mechanics and mysteries of our minds to accept, learn and be empowered by these experiences.
We shape and are shaped by our rhythms and environments. Technology has radically transformed these in recent years, thus challenging us to respond creatively and compassionately. We need to balance our times at home, work, rest and play as well as wild places that take our breath away. Together we can create supportive spaces and healthy routines that naturally nourish us.
You are unique and you are not alone. We are connected by our relationships, dancing with the different aspects of ourselves, each other, nature and the unknown.
This has challenges and, like it or not, we are on the same team, so how we relate matters. Together we can celebrate our similarities and differences to nurture harmonious relationships.
The evidence
Appreciating the evidence we can apply it intuitively.
Science made simple
"Science is the art of making better mistakes"
- Dr BhatiaSo good science is humble, honest, courageous and evolving. We will make mistakes and still show up, that helps us learn and improve what we do.
When we live well, we feel alive and do good
Potentially 70% of deaths are attributable to reversible lifestyle factors, (how we eat, sleep, move, and soothe). [1] [2]
Thus simple lifestyle changes can equate to:
- Living longer, with 10 more healthy (disease free) years.[3]
- Feeling better, because lifestyle and mental health are connected. [4]
- Doing better, because lifestyle influences performance.[5] And because this flows in a virtuous cycle, even small improvements matter, so when we do good, we feel alive and live well too.
Common sense is not common practice...yet.
Let’s just look at sleep. The World Health Organisation has identified a sleep crisis. 70% of people are short sleeping (about 2 hours less than recommended) and most of us don’t even know it. [7]
This increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, dementia, heart attacks, strokes, infections, accidents, mental health and fertility issues, with a 13% inc risk of mortality! [7]
It also reduces our performance, costing us on average £830 per person/yr and uk economy 50 Billion GDP! [7]. The good news is now we can do better.
It's not too late!
We are all doing our best but modern stresses like smart phones, social needs, stimulants, sedentary lifestyles, snacking, artificial lighting and shift work make it harder to do what helps.
Studies have shown that simple lifestyle modifications even in later life can reverse many diseases. We have designed effective ways to help you do it. [8]
So would you be willing to try something new that could help bring out the best in you?
What brings out your BEST?
We have researched and found 5 essential areas for us to thrive and really simple ways to help you do it.
- Bodies because our lifestyle matters.
- Experiences because our mindset matters.
- Situations because our environments matter.
- Teams because our relationships matter.
- Essence because our meaning matters.
Easy does it
Changing habits can be tricky so we make it EASY
Easy – by starting simple so you can be consistent and build up steadily
Appealing – working with your conscious and unconscious motivations
Supported – by creating creating environments and prompts that encourage and adapt with you
Yours – by ensuring your actions are authentically aligned with your purpose[9] [10]
Enjoying it
Enjoying what we do boosts our health and performance as well as making changes appealing and sustainable. [11]
So we help you transform frustrations into friends [12] [13].
Team working works, so we combine our years of experience in guiding individuals, teams, schools and organisations with your many skills too. By collaborating we bring out the best in each other. [14][15]
It pays to be healthy
It’s well recognised that health, wellbeing, and performance can flow in a virtuous cycle. So it makes economic and ethical sense to invest in health. [5]
No one wants to be trapped, so we don’t define you by your past or limit your future. Instead by starting where you are, our Humble way is designed to help bring out your best, by cultivating Acceptance, Mastery Agency and Purpose,(4 evidence-based and empowering qualities).[16]
The evidence for presence
At the heart of Humble is presence. As simple as it sounds when we are present together we respond well, transforming and transcending our circumstances. [17][18][19]
Research, publications and presentations
Finally, there is much to learn so we aim to keep on improving. We audit our work and are engaged in research, presentations and publications, sharing insights and innovations with our communities.[20][21][22][23]
“To go fast, travel alone…To go far, travel together”